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The Jreamy Furikake Salmon


This week we have the talented singer song writer Josh Tatofi joining us in the kitchen. I have known Josh since he was 4 maybe 5 years old. I met him back-stage at a Kapena concert.  Joshʻs father is Tiva Tatofi of Kapena. I was lucky enough to perform and host many shows with Kapena and Josh was always around. For about 10 years I didn’t see him as he was growing physically and career wise. His career has taken off and his name has become a big part of the Hawaiian island music community. He has a voice of an angel and a great personality to go with it. I am really proud of him and happy for the direction his career has launched. Today he makes us his Jreamy Furikake Salmon recipe. 


Preheat your oven to 400°.

Oil your pan, then place the salmon filet in the pan. Season the salmon with a few pinches of pepper. Cover your salmon with 1 cup of mayonnaise. Top with furikake.

Bake for 20-30 minutes.


SourceJosh Tatofi
Prep time
Cooking time
Total time


8 oz
Salmon Filet
1 c
1⁄2 c
oil (To coat pan)
pepper (To Taste)


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